Progen PRP Hair Restoration in Diamond Bar, CA

Feb 4, 2023

About Progen PRP

Progen PRP is an innovative hair restoration treatment offered by Dr. Mary Jo Giagiari, a trusted chiropractor in Diamond Bar, CA. This advanced therapy utilizes Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), a concentrated form of your own blood, to stimulate hair follicles and promote natural hair growth.

The Science Behind Progen PRP

Platelet-Rich Plasma contains growth factors and bioactive proteins that have the potential to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles. By collecting a small sample of your blood, we can isolate and extract the PRP. This concentrated PRP is then strategically injected into areas of thinning hair, stimulating the growth of healthier and thicker hair.

Why Choose Progen PRP?

When it comes to hair restoration, Progen PRP offers several advantages over traditional methods. Unlike invasive surgical procedures, Progen PRP is minimally invasive and requires no downtime. Additionally, since PRP utilizes your own blood, there is virtually no risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects.

Progen PRP also provides long-lasting results. The therapy stimulates the natural growth of hair follicles, which means that the results are gradual and appear completely natural. By promoting the growth of your existing hair follicles, Progen PRP can help you achieve a fuller, thicker head of hair.

The Progen PRP Process

At Mary Jo Giagiari, D.C., we take a personalized approach to Progen PRP hair restoration. During your initial consultation, Dr. Giagiari will assess your hair loss condition and determine if Progen PRP is the right treatment for you. Dr. Giagiari has extensive experience in PRP therapy and will create a tailored treatment plan to address your specific needs.

The Progen PRP process involves collecting a small sample of your blood, similar to a routine blood test, and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from other components. The extracted PRP is then carefully injected into your scalp using precise techniques to ensure optimal absorption and effectiveness.

What to Expect

Progen PRP is a safe and well-tolerated procedure. The injections may cause some mild discomfort, but most patients report minimal pain. Since Progen PRP is a non-surgical treatment, the recovery time is virtually nonexistent, and you can return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure.

While individual results may vary, many patients start noticing improvements in hair growth within a few months of their first Progen PRP session. To achieve optimal results, Dr. Giagiari may recommend multiple sessions over a course of several months, depending on the severity of your hair loss.

Contact Us for a Consultation

If you're seeking effective hair restoration in Diamond Bar, CA, Progen PRP treatment by Dr. Mary Jo Giagiari is a fantastic choice. Take the first step towards regaining your confidence and natural-looking hair by scheduling a consultation now.

Contact Mary Jo Giagiari, D.C. today for a comprehensive evaluation of your hair loss condition and discover how Progen PRP can help you achieve outstanding results!

Categories: Health

Ryan Lorrigan
Excited to try Progen PRP! 💁‍♀️✨
Nov 11, 2023
Debbie Stewart
I've heard great things about Progen PRP! Can't wait to see my hair flourish! 💁‍♀️💫
Oct 18, 2023
Sun Gangwei
This treatment sounds promising! 💆‍♀️ Looking forward to trying Progen PRP for a natural boost in hair growth! 💪🌱
Oct 7, 2023